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Chaplaincy and Therapeutic Music for Dementia and Alzheimer's Patients

Tziona Achishena


My Soul Song: A weekly group that utilizes music to spark the sharing of memories, life review, and building of community amongst elders. In this group each member is invited to share their favorite song and the group is the devoted to caring and compassionate listening and sharing of the significance of that song in the person's life. Oftentimes this is a springboard for the sharing of childhood memories, the recollection of lost loved ones - especially parents - and functions as a kind of support group for those facing the losses associated with aging and the transition to institutional care. Truly heartwarming is the group members' transition from the negativity often experienced between elders in institutional care to an increasing ability to support one another through authentic sharing and compassionate listening. It is designed for group members with relatively high cognitive and verbal capacity.

Singing Circle: This group is appropriate for any level of cognitive, verbal, and physical capabilities. Through familiar songs, we awaken the residents from their sleepy and disconnected state and invite them to rejoin the world through the power of music. With guitar playing and easy to use percussion instruments, elders open their eyes, become more alert, tap their feet, and sing along. In some cases stroke victims that are unable to speak are able to sing words and communicate through song and play along rhythmically. In many cases memories are sparked and shared by the familiar tunes. This group is suitable for any language and incorporates songs that are familiar to many cultural and language backgrounds.

Judaism and Meaning: A weekly class based on the weekly Torah portion that uses the stories from the Torah as a springboard to discuss personal history, beliefs, and the role of the aged in Jewish life. It is an interactive experience offering many opportunities for the residents to share their thoughts, memories, and experiences. It also combines storytelling, historical perspectives, and draws inspiration from characters in the Torah.