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Chaplaincy and Therapeutic Music for Dementia and Alzheimer's Patients

Tziona Achishena

Spiritual Guidance

Livui Ruchani: (Spiritual Guidance) is a relatively new profession in Israel; a trained professional with expert skills in accompanying another person, their family, and their care givers through intense experiences of loss that come with major illness, dying, aging, and group traumas such as war, natural disasters, and terror. Livui Ruchani draws on the caregivers ability to be with another person in their suffering, while reflecting back that person's inherent spiritual strengths that help them find meaning, support, and hope within the darkness of life's major challenges. Through radical empathetic listening, textual study, and prayer the Melava Ruchanit provides non-judgmental and non-solution oriented support that respects and recognizes each persons spiritual nature and capabilities.

Livui Ruchani services are available to both residents, families, and staff and include preparation for a "good" death, support through the dying process, and after care for families and staff dealing with loss. It takes place in the form of weekly individual meetings with residents needing support, communication with families, and a one-time meeting with each staff member to get to know the Melava Ruchanit and discuss their individual spiritual belief system. Livui Ruchani offers ways that they can utilize the relationship with the Melava Ruchanit for support in the challenges of work and personal life. Residents suitable for such one-on-one sessions include those with some verbal capacity and those facing special challenges such as mental health issues, post trauma, and major illnesses.