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Chaplaincy and Therapeutic Music for Dementia and Alzheimer's Patients

Tziona Achishena

Tziona Achishena is a certified Melava Ruchanit and has worked as a musician performing, teaching, and composing for over 10 years. She has held a position as a Melava Ruchanit at Beyt Avot Nof Tzfat through Amutat Gisha L'Chaim for two years where she cooperated with staff and the organization "In Their Shoes", in the creation of a music and memory program that currently provides 30 residents with personalized playlists and Ipods. She has lectured on the project in professional training courses through Eshel and has had an article recently published on her work in the magazine "Dorot". She presented at the International Conference for Livui Ruchani in Jersusalem on "Using Song in Spiritual Care," and participated in a panel on spiritual abuse at the conference "Facing Abuse in Jewish Communities." In addition to performance appearances - both within Israel and internationally - she has frequent lectures on the topic of spiritual care and the healing power of music.