Chaplaincy and Therapeutic Music for Dementia and Alzheimer's Patients

Tziona Achishena בנעלי הזולת

Using personalized playlists with elders is inspired by "Music and Memory"

The brainchild of Dan Cohen, a social worker in the United States, who has acheived a great deal of professional success and recognition for work in unlocking memory and communication abilities in elders through providing them with individualized playlists of their favorite music. This work is documented in the film "Alive Inside," which shows the incredible healing abilities that familiar and beloved music can have on those suffering from isolation and memory loss due to dementia and Alzheimer's disease. This program was made possible by the cooperation of "Life's Door" foundation , "In Their Shoes", and the Nof Tzfat Nursing home. Together with the input of staff and family members, we choose the best candidates for the project, designing a playlist of their favorite music and providing one on one weekly meetings with the resident to facilitate their sharing of memories and feelings sparked by the music.

This simple yet elegant service is designed to make maximum use of music's healing abilities to bring increased communication and memory access, combat loneliness and meaninglessness in an instituational setting, build community through group work and singing circles, and provide much needed sensory stimulation through singing, simple musical instruments, gentle touch, and dance.

Interacting with Staff: The Music and Memory program director interacts closely with staff on all levels; from doctor, nurses, occupational therapists, physioltherapists and social workers, to care giving staff. The insights provided through working both in groups and individually with residents can dramatically increase the level of care that the person receives and in some cases reveal new information about that persons cognitive and verbal abilities, needs, hopes, and difficulties.